What's On This Week

Pole Polsition Adult Entertainment Venue - Wednesday: free pool 12pm-5pm

Wednesday - free pool 12pm-5pm

Pole Polsition Adult Entertainment Venue - Thursday: poker night

Thursday - poker night

Pole Polsition Adult Entertainment Venue - First Friday of the month: Free beer with every dance

Free beer with every private dance December 6th

Upcoming Events And Announcements

Pole Position Adult Entertainment venue - packages: 2hrs $65 per person, 3 hrs $85 per person, 4 hrs $100 per person - beer, wine and softs

Click HERE to book a drinks pckage

Pole Polsition Adult Entertainment Venue - Trading hours

Trading hours

Pole Polsition Adult Entertainment Venue is hiring dancers and topless bar staff, apply online or call our friendly female staff on 8227 2644

Pole Position is hiring dancers and topless bar staff, apply by clicking HERE or call our friendly female staff on 8227 2644

Our location - 289 Pirie St Adelaide

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram


Visit us or call 8227 2644 to find out more!